Thanks for taking a look at my blog. I will be making posts here giving updates on the progress of my third year projects and onwards. Hopefully, any updates I give to projects will outline some of the sound design workflows and approaches I take, letting you the reader understand what is going through my head. If you take a look at the posts and see something you would like to talk further about, add a comment or email me and I will be happy to talk about them with you. I am keen to learn how to improve my work and be more efficient.
Here is a basic list of some of the projects I am currently working on at the time of writing this:
- My Honours Project where I am aiming to write a guide on field recording for games
- Audio for a game set in Hell (without a name currently)
- A Sonification project that will represent the journey to the bottom of the ocean
- Some field recording sessions for different games
I will go into more depth in separate posts about each project and will give updates on how they are coming along.