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Why You Fell

Nick Lee

Created by Casey J, this game tells the story of a man who finds himself in a strange world and is forced to delve into the memories of his life. I worked on this project by creating and designing sound assets for it. Whilst it is a short project as a vertical slice of what the game could be, I do believe it shows promise and I hope it goes further in the future.

An earlier blog post I wrote titled 'A Game Set In Hell' explains some of the thought processes I had earlier on in the production of the game. For this project, my main role was in designing the sounds that would be needed for it. To do this I had to find a vision and theme for the sounds to be based around, especially the ambient recordings. I am pretty happy with how those ambient tracks turned out and I believe they suit the game's theme and aesthetic overall.

The implementation was handled by Casey which meant that I could focus more on making the sounds suit their role. I did help out by showing Casey some of the main implementation techniques using just Unreal Engine 4 which was a good way to refresh my own understanding of it (something I recommend other game sound designers try). Ideally, I prefer to work on a game during the development and do some of the implementation myself using middleware when possible. But, I think Casey did a great job with putting the sounds into the game in a way that it complements the narrative and the level design.

Overall, this was a fun project to work on and I would love to work on any further continuation of the game or similar games in the future. I love how the game turned out and think it is an interesting experience to try out.

You can check out the game for yourself here:

I appreciate any feedback on my work so let me know what you think down below!

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